All Genres The Brand Doula All Genres The Brand Doula

Georgina Kamsika

British Asian (second generation Indian), Biracial, Bisexual, Non binary


Lived experience, Experience as a sensitivity reader, published author

Reading Interests

All genres welcome

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All Genres The Brand Doula All Genres The Brand Doula

Gabriel Yuriria

Bisexual genderfluid, light-skinned brown Mexican, self-diagnosed autistic, as well as with EDS, depression, and anxiety.


Lived experience, text analysis courses, writing and crafting courses, study of literature politics

Reading Interests

All genres welcome

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All Genres The Brand Doula All Genres The Brand Doula

Ennis Bashe

Nonbinary, queer, Jewish with Ukrainian heritage. Physically disabled (cane and brace user, chronic illness, chronic pain, GI issues, dysautonomia, progressive neuropathy)

Neurodivergent and mentally ill (ADHD, anxiety, OCD, medical trauma, survivor experience) Hemiplegic migraines with aphasia Food allergies

Domestic violence patient advocate


Lived experience, BA in English and Theatre, MSW in Social Work with a focus on trauma treatment. Marketing and Communications. Teacher for young writers.

Reading Interests

All genres welcome

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