Resource Library

Writing Tips, Stereotypes, Race, Gender Renee Harleston Writing Tips, Stereotypes, Race, Gender Renee Harleston

How to Avoid the Well-Meaning Microaggression

You have a character of color, a homosexual, and/or a gender fluid character in your story, is that enough? Well, no, and I suspect you know that or you wouldn't be on this blog. Since you've taken the step to be more inclusive in your writing, you've probably tried your best to avoid anything overtly offensive but it's important to think about microaggressions in your writing, as well.

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Coming Soon

Diverse Writing Prompt Group

This group is designed for any fiction writer looking to practice writing diversely without stereotypes or tokenism. You don’t have to be a particular identity or write a specific genre in order to join this group.

The prompts are designed to spark creativity and help members practice writing outside their identities with guidance and support from a sensitivity reader. Work is not to be critiqued.

The group meets virtually for 75 minutes, once a week for five weeks. At each meeting members will typically have two twenty minute rounds to write. Each round is followed by an optional opportunity to share.

Cost: $35

Want to join the next group? Sign up to get notified when we start again.